The Dr Kevin Kulik
As a Doctor, I receive many letters
but a number of years ago I received a letter
Dear Kevin, Margaret said,
I don't know where to begin...
She thought she had the flu and saw her doctor.
She was told that she had a bad case of the German measles
She was also pregnant.
She was told that the German measles or rubella
(fetuses who are infected with rubella during the first twenty weeks
The picture was very bleak
an abortion.
The poor woman now in tears
looked at the Dr. and said
"but I want my baby!"
The Dr. persisted in describing the hopeless and dark picture
She looked at him again and said
" I'll put my trust in God!"
She tried to block out those terrible words
growth defects,
neurological disorders,
mental retardation,
For almost 9 months
she would awake night after night
sweating and screaming
as her husband tried to console her
from her nightmares.
With baited breath
Margaret went into labor
and was rushed to the hospital.
The child was born miraculously healthy,
Choices of worldly pleasures,
choices to follow the faith
This child would have made many
poor and potentially deadly choices,
if it were not for a
You see, I received this letter in 1973
"a new wind"
blew into the sails
For I am the broken fetus
I am the blind fetus,
who's mother patiently waited 18 years
I am the mentally retarded fetus
who went on to become a doctor,
to call others to healing and life
in this culture of death.
Finally, I am the stillborn fetus
that has given life to children of my very own now,
so I might share this wonderful letter
of my mom, with them ...
... and with you!
Dr Kevin Kulik practices on Long Island NY.
It is his hope and prayer to inspire the Catholic to "Be Christ" by his stories.
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