the greatest source of infinite grace.
that is so much stronger than any blood tie on earth.
It is wise to add the routine of confession to your schedule as many large indulgences (like plenary indulgences which remove all the punishment due to sin) require this sacrament. The church prescribes that in the case of a plenary indulgence, communion, confession, as well as prayer for the Holy Father which we already perform each day, should be done within approximately a week to obtain the indulgence. By adding the examination of conscience to your daily activity each night you will begin to "know yourself" and always be prepared to make a good confession and obtain the greatest amount of grace possible for the present state of your soul. There are of course a multitude of graces, blessing, and indulgences available to us without confession but under all conditions we must be in the state of grace to receive them.
We then move to the intercession of all the angels
and the power of the Saints (Church triumphant),
we pray with and for
the suffering souls in purgatory (church suffering)
and all holy men and women. ( the Church militant)
The souls in purgatory are tremendously forgotten allies
in this battle we fight on earth.
By praying for them and asking for their intercession
they tirelessly pray for our sanctification,
especially the souls that are suffering
for the very same sins that we are now committing!
They are so grateful for our prayers
because even if they prayed a 1000 years for themselves,
they could not diminish even one moment of their purification.
This simple prayer allows you to ease them from their suffering,
while in turn they simultaneously help propel you
to new spiritual heights!
It is also important to include all Holy men and women
as these living souls
require tremendous grace to support the battle they fight
" against principalities and powers".
Now that your prayer has gained
incredible power and strength
we use this power to ask God
for our own personal help,
namely for the remission of our many sins and weaknesses,
for the sins of our family,
and of the world.
Each thought, each action of our day
now acts to expiate our sins,
to bring us to new life instead of sin
through the Blood of the lamb.
We also become an intercessor
for all the people of our family
and even the sins of the world.
Is this not the plan that Jesus had for us?
That we are to share in the redemption of the cross
by offering ourselves as
a living breathing sacrifice?
As our prayer is purified
we become more and more like our crucified savior
and share in the redemptive plan and life of the Father!
Jesus said
"take my yoke upon you for my burden is light." MT 11:30
What could be easier
than simply offering up the very same joys, and sorrows today
that were wasted and meaningless yesterday?
This is the simple way to Sainthood!
No need for hair shirts here,
each moment contains within it,
all that is needed for our salvation and our perfection!
We indeed do not become "Christlike",
but as Mother Teresa said,
we "become Christ"
when we pray and suffer for sinners.
We do this by doing what Jesus asked of us;
to pray for the conversion of sinners
and the salvation of souls.
In conclusion,
there is an old saying
that if you want something done quickly,
give the job to a busy person!
The same is true for our prayer.
As we grow deeper in our relationship with Christ,
more and more people will ask for our prayers.
It is virtually impossible
but for the grace of God
to honor all those request.
Therefore as part of our prayer
we might include the intentions of
all those people and things
that we have promised to pray for.
This can be an incredibly powerful part of our prayer
if our intention is pure and focused.
We become a prayer warrior for so many.
As part of our New Years resolution each year
we might write down
and keep in a special place,
as many intentions as we can remember
including all the people we have ever met
or will meet in our lifetime.
Won't it be consoling to know that every single person
that has ever made our acquaintance
no matter how casual
has been blessed,
simply because we were born!
The world will indeed be a better place
because you are in it!
You also are praying for your future friends,
possible children, and spouse!
When you encounter difficult people and circumstances
they have already been prayed for!
Sound far fetched?
God promises to give us everything we pray for,
and He means everything
as long it is good for our soul.
What could be better?
Get radical!
Pray "outside the box"
instead of wishing
for a miracle in our life,
we will be living
the miracle in our life !
Ps. In case you are still wondering why this prayer
is called the 2nd most powerful prayer,
it is because it is 2nd of course to the mass.
As a matter of fact this prayer
was originally created as a prayer
for people to say during the offertory of the mass
which makes it part of the
#1 most powerful prayer there is!...
the Mass!
When you pray this prayer at the offertory of the mass you will find that it takes exactly the same time for the priest to complete the offertory!
Try it!
This is your prayer from the heart, your offering to God,
however you may want to use the
following form:
Lord, I offer to you this day, all that I am, all that I wish to be, and all that you want me to be! I offer all of my words, thoughts, actions, and weaknesses of this day, in union with this mass and all the holy masses said throughout the world today and throughout time and eternity. I unite myself to your most Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Heart of OUR sweet mother Mary. I unite myself with and for the intentions of your most holy Church. + Especially the Holy Father, so that I may be given every grace, blessing and indulgence of this day. All the angels and saints, the suffering souls in purgatory, and all holy men and women. For the remission of my many sins, the sins of my family, and the sins of the world. For the salvation and conversion of all sinners, and for all those people and things that I have promised to pray for.
Dr Kevin Kulik practices on Long Island NY.
It is his hope and prayer to inspire the Catholic to "Be Christ" by his stories.
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